Freedom of Expression
It’s a common misconception that Botulinum-Toxin A (Xeomin®, Botox®, Dysport®) is used only for lines and wrinkles in the upper half of the face, such as frown lines, forehead lines and crow’s feet. Bo-tox can safely and effectively be used in some areas of the lower half of the face as well. Careful placement of small doses of Bo-tox around the mouth can help with upper and lower lip lines, chin creases, chin dimpling, and it can even raise the corners of the mouth in people with down-turned smiles.
Gummy Smile
In some people, when they smile, their upper lip elevates too far above their upper teeth, exposing gums and producing an unattractive “Gummy Smile." This phenomenon could be due to several factors. One of the reasons is hyperactive muscle which elevates the upper lip. Occasionally, the gummy smile is also aggravated by a thin upper lip that further contributes to the problem by exposing the upper gum even more.
While for most people smiling is an expression of happiness, individuals whose gums stand out more than their smile does often feel self-conscious. Very often those with gummy smiles try to control and minimize their smile and some feel so self-conscious that they prefer not to smile at all. This may have a detrimental effect on one's professional, social, and personal relationships.
Thankfully, gummy smile reduction is now possible, simple and effective. Utilizing a non-surgical approach by injecting small amounts of bo-tox into the hyperactive muscle of the upper lip, Dr. Diaz-Yoserev will give you a smile that is natural and carefree. This simple procedure will weaken the hyperactive muscles and reduce the elevation of your upper lip, thereby reducing your gummy smile. If a thin upper lip is a contributing factor, Dr. Diaz-Yoserev may suggest concomitant upper lip augmentation with FDA approved fillers.
FAQ about Gummy Smile Treatment with Bo-tox
How long does the treatment take?
The procedure takes about 10 minutes.
What does this procedure involve?
A small amount of Bo-tox will be injected on each side of your lip to weaken the muscles' ability to contract. Within the next 3-4 days elevation of the upper lip is progressively weakened, and your smile is transformed, showing less gum and giving you the confidence to smile without inhibition.
How long do the results last?
Your new smile will last about three-four months and you will surely make up for all that time of hiding your smile!
Soften Vertical Lip Lines
Vertical upper and lower lip lines, or “smoker’s lines” as they’re commonly referred to, are caused by over-activity of the orbicularis oris.
The orbicularis oris is a muscle that encircles the mouth just under the skin, and it allows you to “pucker-up”, as they say. Activities like kissing, drinking through a straw or whistling are common actions that use this muscle. Not just smokers get these lines; age, genetics, sun exposure and a host of other factors can lead to these lines even in people who have never smoked.
Bo-tox, in doses of 2-5 units, can be injected in two or four injection sites along the upper lip, right at the border between the lip and the skin. This then slightly relaxes the orbicularis oris muscle, softening the lip lines. The effect of the Bo-tox can also cause the upper lip margin to drift upward slightly creating the effect of a larger, fuller, more youthful upper lip. Bo-tox, also in doses of 2-5 units, can be injected at three injection sites along the lower lip to achieve the same softening of lower lip lines. It’s important to keep in mind that when bo-tox is used in this muscle, some people can experience temporary sensations similar to numbness as well as temporary difficulty with actions like sipping drinks through a straw. These side effects are usually limited in time to one or two weeks after injection.
Necklace Lines
Exposure to the elements (photodamage), loss of collagen and elastin, as well as laxity of the platysma neck muscle contributes to the formation of neck wrinkles and lines. The vertical neck lines can be greatly reduced with botulinum toxin A. While it may require more bo-tox to treat neck lines than other facial areas, the results should last longer, because there is less muscle movement on the neck.
Many people notice that, as they age, the skin of the chin tends to develop a rough and coarse texture similar to the texture of an orange peel. This condition is called “peau d’orange”, a French term literally meaning “orange peel”. Also, with aging the chin can develop small, etched, often cross-hatching lines, and many people have a horizontal chin crease which they find deepens and becomes more pronounced as they age. This skin crease is called a “mental crease”. These skin problems are primarily caused by a chin muscle called the mentalis. Often times, dermal fillers cannot properly address these lines because they are too finely etched and too numerous. Bo-tox provides a very easy, inexpensive and very effective way to improve these conditions.
First, a little explanation of why the mentalis muscle causes these skin conditions. The mentalis is a strong muscle that covers the bulk of the chin. The muscle is attached to the underlying bone but also has numerous attachments directly into the skin of the chin, allowing for the dimpling effect. With repeated movement of this muscle over time, combined with general skin aging, eventually the skin develops the small lines and creases we described above. To treat this condition, Bo-tox is injected into the mentalis muscle, usually in two separate injections near the tip of the chin on either side of the midline. Caution should be used with the amount of Bo-tox injected, as too much can affect lower lip movement. However, just enough Bo-tox will relax the mentalis and smooth the skin overlying it, effectively relieving a lot of that coarse texture and fine lines. Over time, with repeated treatments, it can even result in a dramatic “resurfacing” effect for the skin of the chin.
As for the horizontal chin crease, the same action of the mentalis muscle tends to draw the skin of the chin upward, exaggerating this crease. The same Bo-tox injection into the muscle can relax the mentalis and lessen the severity of the horizontal chin crease, making it look less prominent. After Bo-tox treatment, the horizontal chin crease can be re-evaluated and may need a little dermal filler.
Hyperhidrosis Treatment
BOTULINUM TOXIN A, acts as an inhibitor, blocking the chemical signals sent from the nerves that control sweating. Sweating stops because the sweat glands are unable to receive signals from the nerves. Areas which are commonly treated are the under-arms and the palms.
It is well known in Hollywood circles that stars often receive these injections a few days before high-profile events to control excessive under-arm sweating.